Friday 11 October 2024

Stage Set For Dorcas Moyo Album Launch


By Dorcas Moyo 

Mamuka sei shamwari dzangu dzerwendo???

Nhasi takamirira Rudo chii na10am ndauya nemashoko aya kwauri....

Those who died yesterday had plans for this morning, and those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don't take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often and love as much as you can. You may never know when you may not have that chance again.

Until your good is better, and your better best, never give up. Be inspired wena

Bitterness inouraya akaitakura. You need to forgive whoever akakutadzira. Ichokwadi kuti wakarwadziswa but kusvika rini wakatakura vanhu mumoyo mako? Yes we can forgive but we cant forget, True forgiveness is being able to remember zvawakaitirwa but zvorega kuva nesimba or kukuaffecter muhupenyu hwako..

Ndiro inengura ndiyo inobooka wena...Forgive mudikani...

Kwozoitawo kuvaviwa pakati pemsana pausingasvikire kukwenya apa... Wokumbira munhu kuti akukwenye achipotsa the exact spot.... Can yoy imagine the feeling????...Pane vanhu vakadaro mu life mako shamwari... You just keep the relationship uchiti vanhu vanozotii worega vanhu vanovava se mhezi iri pakati pemsana vari around you vachikupedza simba...vachikushaisa attention coz ukuvaviwa navo... Nyangwe ukada kutsanangura hapana anokunzwisisa they keep on missing the exact spot .. siyana nevanhu vakadaro iwee....,believe me it's good for your health, soul and spirit to let goooo!!!! You will feel kamwe  kapeace sooo and after  they left that's not a loss dear, that's a blessing....Let goo of those people vanokonzeresa in your life..

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