Thursday, 23 January 2025

God remembers you all the time


Submitted by : Mrs Chipo Phiri 

Corps                  : Braeside Citadel 

Division             : Greater Harare 

Genesis 30 vs 22 - 24

Theme: God remembers you all the time.

Then God remembered Rachel, he answered her prayer and made it possible for her to have children. She becomes pregnant and gives birth to a son. She said God has taken away my disgrace by giving me a son, so she named him Joseph.

Zino Mwari wakarangarirawo Rakeri,  Mwari vakamunzwa, akazarura chizvaro chake. Iye akave nemimba akabereka mwanakomana akati Mwari wabvisa kuzvidzwa kwangu akamutumidza Zita rinonzi Joseph.

Mushure mekunge Jacob ashanda for 7 years for Rachel, he was given Rea (Rachel's sister). His love for Rachel never ended, and he worked for the other 7 years, and after that, he was given Rachel as his wife. Unfortunately, Rachel was not able to have a child. That alone made Rachel miserable all the time while her sister Rea had children with Jacob.

vs22:  Then God REMEMBERED Rachel and made it POSSIBLE...zvotidzidzisa kuti 

*Mwari havatikanganwe

*God has mercy on us 

*God is kind to us

*God listens to our prayers and will provide them to us according to his wise and good loving will.

*When God REMEMBERS, it means that he acts according to his covenant promises, especially in a way evident to his people (Kana Mwari vatirangarira zvirokwazvo nenyika inoona nyasha neukuru hwaMwari muupenyu hwedu)

*When God REMEMBERS you, he brings an end to the floods of frustration 

*When God REMEMBERS you, the storm stops, and you find rest and make everything new.

Pane zvatinosangana nazvo zvotipa kurwadza mwoyo yedu zvotipa kufunga kuti Mwari vatirasa, vatikanganwa, torasa tariro asi shoko ratidzidzisa kuti God will never leave us or forsake us. 

Vakarangarira Rachel vakamuzadza nemufaro. Mwari ndiMwari vane rudo nesu nguva dzose.


Isiah 49 v 15 - 16 (He has engraved you on the palm of His hand)


He will be with you through every dark valley.

How to make God REMEMBER you:

#Keep praying. Let your prayers appear before the throne of God.

May God bless you. #SeasonOfPrayerAndCommitment 

- Salvationist online

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