Saturday, 15 February 2025

Rooted In Righteousness


“Rooted in Righteousness: Sowing Seeds for a Legacy of Faith"

Psalm 37:25

"I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread."

David's words, born from experience and observation, assure us that the Lord never forsakes the righteous or their children. We see this demonstrated in the history of the Israelites, who despite their rebelliousness, were continually redeemed and provided for by God due to the covenant with their righteous fathers.

This passage highlights the importance of righteousness, not just for ourselves, but for our children. What seeds are we sowing for them? Will they reap the benefits of our righteousness or face the consequences of our unrighteousness?

So, what is righteousness? Simply put, it's being godly, living like our heavenly Father, loving like Him, forgiving like Him, and walking in His word and principles.

How do we obtain righteousness? Through faith in Jesus Christ, accepting His sacrifice on the cross as atonement for our sins. This is often referred to as "salvation by grace through faith" (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Consider these scriptures:

- Romans 10:10 - With the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

- Ephesians 4:24 - Put on the new man which is created in righteousness and true holiness.


Lord, I want to stand right with You, living in Your will and inheriting Your promises. Provide for our families, just as You've promised to never forsake those who stand right with You.

May the Lord bless the people called Methodist.

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