Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own (Matthew 6:34)
Many psychologists agree that worry is the state of feeling of anxiety and unhappiness caused by the problems that one has or thinking about the unpleasant things that might happen. Worry is a negative imagination about the future. Worry is a painful uneasiness due to an impending fear.
Jesus Christ encouraged us not to entertain worry in Matthew chapter six because worry chokes out life. Worry is the opposite of faith, and it steals our peace, physically wears us out, and even makes us sick. Worry can work against us by triggering stress, ulcers, blood pressure, shyness, withdrawal, low self esteem and even timidity.
If worry is not dealt with, it signs a long term agreement with individuals, unpacks its bags and permanently dwells in a person's life until that person deteriorates into oblivion. From time immemorial, the word worry has not changed its spelling and therefore its nature, effect and impact have not changed as well.
You are an enemy to yourself when you are worried. It is better to be troubled by other people than to trouble yourself because in Shona worry means "kuzvinetsa" which means to trouble oneself. Worry is a cancerous disease just like jealousy as it eats the one who has it than the one directed at. Nothing changes just because one is worried.
To worry is a useless exercise and we must find a way out of worry as we look unto Him, the giver and the sustainer of life- God the Father, through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
To God be the glory.
Rev B Chinhara
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