Saturday, 29 March 2025

Be An Ambassador Of The Gospel


PSALM 51: 12-13

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, And uphold me by Your generous Spirit. Then I will teach transgressors Your ways, And sinners shall be converted to You.

Today’s scripture is extracted from a Psalm of David when Nathan conscientized him of his sin after he had gone into Bathsheba , defiling Uriah’s Bed 2 Samuel 11:1- 12: 15

David acknowledged his sin and got into a repentance mode which prompted him to pen this psalm .The one thing that is so profound is that David did not only choose to make things right by God but he furthermore pledged to teach transgressors the Lord’s ways and to call them into repentance.This is what we call The Perfect Post Repentance Responsibility.

Repentance is not a selfish exercise that is sorely focused on you.It extends to a heartfelt desire to bring salvation to those who have also fallen into a predicament like yours.

The world is now dominated by self centered Christians whose spirituality starts with themselves and ends with themselves.They read the Word for their own sake, go to church for their own sake, pray for their own sake,take a back seat in mission work to protect their own repentance and secure their own salvation.What about the crucial proportion of God’s people around you who are held captive by sin power and could be saved by your influence and impartation?If you do a reflection today,how many sinners have you converted? 

As you reset your spirituality during this lent,make it a task for you to have a desire and plan to usher others unto repentance and salvation.

David says uphold me by your generous Spirit.Generosity is a key attribute of salvation so be generous with your positive influence.


Lord, please grant me the desire,wisdom and ability to impact society positively towards repentance that I may be counted amongst your servants who were generous with Your salvation

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