Monday, 3 March 2025


2 Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our welfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

There are multiple spiritual battles in life, and there are many battlefields. One of the major battlefields is the human mind, and the battle begins in our thoughts. The enemy was destroyed on the Cross of Calvary and now he tries to seduce human beings by planting wrong thoughts in their minds and urging them to act in disobedience to God.

Through careful strategy and cunning deceit, Satan attempts to set up, "strongholds" in our minds. A stronghold is a difficult place to penetrate because it is guarded and is not easily accessible. The human mind can be a stronghold.

Mental strongholds are formed when we accept, and come into one accord with, false and negative arguments, reasoning and imaginations. Satan's plan is to provide us with enough destructive thoughts to build those strongholds, because then he will have a safe place from which he can rule our life and steal our destiny.

How can we prevent strongholds from happening to us? By fighting the good fight of faith ( 1Timothy 6:12). This involves not allowing our mind to be abandoned territory - a place devoid of God's thoughts, truths and principles - in which the enemy can construct  anything he desires. We must wage war to preserve the integrity of our thoughts. Most strongholds are rooted in selfish and fleshly desires.

We can avoid strongholds by developing a prosperous mindset. A prosperous mindset is developed when we see things through the spectacles of God. Do not settle for mediocrity like Mephibosheth in Lodebar yet God had already blessed him with a palace life. Set your mind on higher things. 

No matter what you are going through, if you look hard enough and keep the right attitude, you can find something good about the experience. You will never go beyond the barriers in your own mind. If you think you cannot do something, then you will never. If you are defeated in your mind, you have already lost the battle. If you don't think your dreams will come to pass, they never will.

Do not let your past determine your future. The life Israelites lived in Egypt became a stronghold and it took 40 years to reach Canaan, a journey that can take eleven days.

To God be the glory

Rev B Chinhara

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