In a bid to promote climate resilience, the Zimbabwe Council of Churches (ZCC) is spearheading innovative adaptation strategies through its Scaling Up Resilience Project. Implemented in Gutu and Bikita, the project empowers farmers with climate-smart agriculture techniques to enhance food security, soil health, and water conservation.
A shining example of the project's success is Functure Musha's thriving field. As a first-year farmer, Musha has already reaped the benefits of climate-smart agriculture by planting drought-tolerant crops such as sorghum and pearl millet. This remarkable achievement demonstrates the impact of Conservation Agriculture (CA) principles.
While progress has been notable, the ZCC has identified opportunities to enhance mulching, a key CA principle, to improve soil moisture retention and fertility. This learning curve will further empower enthusiastic farmers like Musha to optimize their farming practices.
The ZCC extends its gratitude to Canadian Foodgrains Bank and The United Church of Canada for their invaluable support in making this project possible. Through collaborative efforts, the ZCC is making a tangible difference in the lives of farmers and communities, promoting climate resilience and a sustainable future.
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